Besides the Commercial Historical District established in 1982, and the Isham Saling house entered in the National Register of Historic Places in 1976, Weston boasts numerous other historic buildings and sites.
We welcome photographs, information about people, places, and even buildings. If you have stories to share please contact us.
The State Historic Preservation Office has determined, to date, that there are 164 properties that are either eligible or possibly eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.
SHPO Database (Searchable)
Index of Weston Historic Sites Survey List
Oregon Heritage Plan 2020-2025
Oregon Historic Preservation Plan 2018-2023
Isham Saling House Historic Site Nomination Documents
Note: There are 27 pages to this PDF File
Weston Historic Commercial District Nomination Documents
Note: There are 86 page to this PDF File
Weston School Historic Site Nomination Documents
Note: There are 79 pages to this PDF File.
Winn Barn Historic Site Nomination Documents
Note: There are 65 pages to this PDF File